Still from Sweaty Scales. Courtesy of Liang Luscombe.

Exhibition text for Sweaty Scales by Liang Luscombe

June 2020


Cream puffs have fallen, hands have been gloved,
and it appears people may be wearing masks.
The director of photography is dancing — it’s what everyone wants to do well, Lisa may be on the fence.

Oliver is feverishly sweating.

The sub-text is anxiety.

This thing has style, and it’s all about love.
Memphis-design style, fogged-lens-acid-soap-opera style, neon-alien-playhouse style.
Powder-blue-soft-power-pantsuit style, petting-the-candy-watering-can style.
He pours too much soy sauce into his bowl for dim sum.

The sub-text is anxiety.

Read more here.

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