Kyle Bellucci Johanson works in performance-architecture, situating objects, language, and media to visualize and critique power structures and instigate imaginary futures. From 2018-2022 he founded and directed table, a project space dedicated to situating artist’s practices through exhibition, discursive meals, and publication. Recent exhibitions include council_st, Los Angeles; Feiertag, Kassel; Chicago Architecture Biennial; Gray Center for Arts and Inquiry, Chicago; and Centro Cultural Metropolitano, Quito, Ecuador. He is currently faculty of Critical Studies in the MFA program at New York Academy of Art. Kyle holds a BA in Art and Reconciliation Studies from Bethel University and studied peace and conflict at the University of Ulster in Derry/Londonderry, Northern Ireland. He completed an MFA at California Institute of the Arts and was a founding fellow of at land’s edge, an artist-led, autonomous, free school focused on intergenerational mentorship and engaged programming in community-run spaces across east and south Los Angeles. Kyle was a 2022-23 participant of the Whitney Independent Study Program.
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