L-Report by Diana Behl. Images provided bt Soo Visual Arts Center.

Bits and pieces of the zeitgeist in a new SooVAC show

By Mary Abbe
Minneapolis Star Tribune
December 8, 2014


Besides talent spotting, open-call juried shows are a great sampling of the zeitgeist. Rummaging through boatloads of art, jurors may spy a stylistic trend or theme. Suddenly angst is in the air, or shamrock green is trending, or rabid politics gnaws the collective unconscious. Skulls have been so popular of late that some jurors have banned them. Ditto animé characters, graffiti and bathroom plumbing.

Winnowing the 190 applicants for "Untitled 11," the 11th annual juried show at Soo Visual Arts Center, jurors Caroline Kent and Tom Rassieur chose thoughtful, low-key, well-designed art that dodged the clichés du jour. No urinals! What's not to like?

Read more here.

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