Installation view of Making Plans at Human Resources (photo by Chris Wormald, image courtesy Human Resources / Matthew Law).
Inventive Responses to Labor and Immigration Issues at Human Resources
By Matt Stromberg
March 23, 2017
As the economic gulf between the 1% and everyone else continues to widen, and nationalism seems to spread, issues surrounding labor, solidarity, and systematic change are becoming increasingly relevant. Curated by artists Kyle Bellucci Johanson and Matthew Lax, the group exhibition Making Plans, which closes Sunday, features several artists who engage with these topics through sculpture, video, and performance. These include a “safe space” shelter fabricated by Kim Zumpfe, and a series of stitching samplers reproducing questions on US naturalization tests, created by Aram Han Sifuentes in collaboration with non-citizens.
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Inventive Responses to Labor and Immigration Issues at Human Resources
By Matt StrombergHyperallergic
March 23, 2017
As the economic gulf between the 1% and everyone else continues to widen, and nationalism seems to spread, issues surrounding labor, solidarity, and systematic change are becoming increasingly relevant. Curated by artists Kyle Bellucci Johanson and Matthew Lax, the group exhibition Making Plans, which closes Sunday, features several artists who engage with these topics through sculpture, video, and performance. These include a “safe space” shelter fabricated by Kim Zumpfe, and a series of stitching samplers reproducing questions on US naturalization tests, created by Aram Han Sifuentes in collaboration with non-citizens.
Read more here.